For Proctors: Fire Safety Information

For Proctors: Fire Safety Information

One of the roles of the Tutors & Proctors is to assist in the orderly evacuation of the building in the event of an emergency. Pre-emergency planning, reviewing of evacuation maps, knowledge of emergency evacuation routes and emergency procedures are all critical.

As a Tutor & Proctor – you should never enter an area or place yourself at risk while assisting with the evacuation of a building. Your primary role is to direct people towards emergency exits, gather information as you exit the building and communicate information to Harvard emergency coordinators and/or emergency personnel.

Pre-Emergency Planning

•  Conduct or facilitate the communication of fire safety information with students and other occupants
•  Ensure that hallways in your area are kept free of obstructions
•  Ensure that stairwell doors are not propped open and that fire doors close properly
•  Report EXIT signs that are not properly lit and visible to the Building Superomtendents
•  Participate in routine evacuation drills

Review Building Evacuation Maps

Evacuation maps contain all the information that you need to safely evacuate your building in an emergency, including:
•  Primary and secondary egress routes
•  Designated meeting site(s)
•  Fire extinguisher locations
•  Fire alarm pull stations
•  Emergency numbers

Know the Locations of Your Meeting Sites

•  Meeting sites are designated by building management largely due to their accessibility and distance from the building. A building may have multiple meeting sites depending on its size, number of exits, and number of building occupants and programs in the facility.

Meeting sites provide a method to:

•  Keep occupants safe from hazards
•  Allow easier building access for emergency responders
•  Allow information to be distributed more easily
•  Account for occupants

During An Evacuation

•  Communicate – direct students to the closest exit
•  Check assigned areas on your floor – as you exit (if it is safe to do so)
•  Alert other occupants (particularly visitors), and direct them to use the stairs and report to the meeting site
•  Direct disabled occupants to areas of refuge (if applicable) or ask them to stay in place.
•  Close doors as you exit the building (Do Not Lock)
•  Report to your designated meeting site
•  Alert the CFD/HUPD if people are unaccounted for, if you know disabled occupants are present and any other hazardous conditions that may exist in the building.

During An Evacuation - Escape Tips

•  If you are trapped – close and seal the doors and call 911 or signal for help
•  Close all doors along your route – if the inside of a door is hot, do not open it and use an alternative route
•  If you get caught in smoke, get down low and crawl towards the exit.

On Going Responsibilities

•  Monitor housekeeping - look out for excessive storage
•  Ensure fire doors are closed
•  Ensure emergency exits and hallways are clearly accessibility
•  Know and distribute emergency evacuation information
•  Coordinate with other Tutors & Proctors in your area building
•  Communicate problems – concerns to your House Master and or Building Superintendents.